Our small groups gives us a way to connect and grow in our relationship with Christ and with one another. Our small groups meet both in person and online using the Zoom platform. For more information on any group, please contact us at
Monday Evening Life Group
Weekly, 6 p.m.: Our focus will be on discipleship, led by Pastor Rob.
Tuesday Womens' Group
Every Other Thursday at 5.30PM – Women’s Group - We normally begin with a light meal, followed by our lesson. We are currently doing a study on Women of the Bible, using the book by Ann Spangler & Jean Syswerda.
Friday Night Group
Friday, 7 P.M. --Digging deeper into the Sunday message.
Monthly Theology Group
God wants us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind. Join Pastor Rob once a month for discussions concerning God's nature and purpose. Monthly topics follow the outline of Michael F. Bird's Evangelical Theology, 2nd Edition, but you don't have to read ahead to contribute to, and benefit from, the conversations. All are invited and welcome!